Web 2.0
Internet history covering the Web 2.0 period, roughly between 2004-2012. Including the serialization of my Web 2.0 memoir: Bubble Blog: From Outsider to Insider in Silicon Valley's Web 2.0 Revolution.
Las Vegas and the MIX Conference 2007
I travel to Vegas for a Microsoft web conference. Meanwhile, Read/WriteWeb doubles traffic and breaks into the Technorati top 30.
Web 2.0 Expo 2007
My trip to Silicon Valley for the inaugural Web 2.0 Expo in April 2007, where I meet several Read/WriteWeb colleagues for the first time and enjoy the expanding tech bubble.
Read/WriteWeb Network Launches Amid iPhone Debut
Soon after Steve Jobs announces the iPhone in January 2007, I hire my first paid writer for Read/WriteWeb and launch a blog network.
Betting on Web 2.0: High Stakes Blogging
My trip to Silicon Valley for the Web 2.0 Summit in November 2006 ends with a poker game in Atherton. Meanwhile, Time Magazine names us all 'Person of the Year.'
Lou Reed and the 2006 Web 2.0 Summit
At the Web 2.0 Summit in November 2006, I get advice about my growing blog business, miss a breakfast meeting with a VC, and get my ears blown out by Lou Reed.
The Birth of Cloud Computing and Team Read/WriteWeb
In 2006, Read/WriteWeb gets a redesign and I begin to grow the team, starting with a couple of engineers who help me explain Amazon Web Services and GoogleOS.
Gnomedex 2006 and My Corporate Blogging Adventure
I visit Seattle for the second time in 2006, for Gnomedex; also, I co-found another workgroup and company, this time based on the term 'Media 2.0'.
The Core Values of Blogging: Attending BloggerCon 2006
In June 2006, I interview Yahoo at Supernova about its so-called open platform and then struggle to get a word in edgeways at BloggerCon.