Web 2.0
Internet history covering the Web 2.0 period, roughly between 2004-2012. Including the serialization of my Web 2.0 memoir: Bubble Blog: From Outsider to Insider in Silicon Valley's Web 2.0 Revolution.
Due Diligence Begins in NYC; RWW Gets a Media Award
Just as ReadWriteWeb becomes one of the 10 most popular blogs in the world, I travel to New York to meet with Ziff Davis Enterprise about its proposed acquisition.
A Deal Is Done; Trippy Web 2.0 Party at Temple
In late April 2008, I sign a Letter of Intent to sell ReadWriteWeb. Also, I attend a Web 2.0 party in San Francisco where everyone seems high but me.
Dinner at TWO, But With Which Acquirer?
I continue negotiations with two potential acquirers of ReadWriteWeb: CMP and Ziff Davis Enterprise. One invites me to dinner, but it turns out three's a crowd.
2008 Web 2.0 Expo, Where M&A Talks Continue
At the Web 2.0 Expo in April 2008, I meet my ReadWriteWeb colleagues Marshall and Josh for the first time. Also, I sit down with CMP to discuss a possible acquisition.
Acquisition Talks: Two Suitors For ReadWriteWeb
In early 2008, I find myself with two media company wooers: CMP and Ziff Davis Enterprise. The deals look good, but the earn-out targets concern me.
ReadWriteWeb's Big Redesign & The Inaugural Crunchies
At the end of 2007, ReadWriteWeb unveils our new design — featuring a slash of vibrant red in the header! Also, we co-host the first Crunchies and I meet Mashable’s founder.
Stress 2.0: Health Problems & Web Server Issues
In November 2007, I get a shock diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes. Meanwhile, the Read/WriteWeb server struggles to cope with our rapid page view growth.
Read/WriteWeb Makes Key Hire & I Meet Hustle Culture
Marshall Kirkpatrick joins Read/WriteWeb in September 2007. The following month, I attend the Web 2.0 Summit and experience the start of hustle culture.